The Greenville New ond Cregrwifie Piedmont Tvevtav. Moy 4, 193 1 jJl 1 I I -BOODD-lBtEDO-S 15 Deadlines Office Hours Rates Display Deadline In-column Deadline Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Saturday Sunday Please call for a quotation or to request information on our numerous pricing options. These options. Including contract agreements, are designed to provide cost effective advertising for the varied needs of our Day Published Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday RATES, INFORMATION AND COMPLETE General 3:30 p.m.
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All other situations require cash in advance or approved credit. Some categories of advertising require prepayment regardless of other fS 77 Co) (01 JL Announcements Employment Instruction Animals, Yard, Garden Farm 5000 Financial 1000 Real Estate I Real Estate I I I For Rent I For Sale I Recreation I Automotive I 6000 I 7000 I 8000 I 9000 I Service I I Directory I Merchandise I 3000 I 4000 I 2000 8520 BoatsEquipment 8560 Mini BikesGo Carts 8570 Miscellaneous 8580 Motor Homes Equipment 8590 Rentals 8600 Services 8610 Travel Trailers Campers Equipment 8620 Wanted 5010 FarmMachinery Equipment 5020 FeedHayGrain 5030 Lawn GardenEquipment 5040 Livestock 5050 Livestock-Equipment Services 5060 Miscellaneous 5070 Pets 5080 Pets-Supplies Services 5090 PlantsTrees 5100 TopsoilMulch 5190 Wanted 9010 Aircraft 9020 Auctions 9030 Autos 9040 Autos-Antique Classic 9060 Autos-Rental Lease 9070 Motorcycles Mopeds 9080 PartsService 9090 4x4Utility 9100 Trucks 9110 Trucks-Heavy Industrial 9130 Trucks-Rental 1 Lease 9140 Vans-Cargo 9150 Vans-Custom 9160 Vans-Mini 9190 Wanted 6520 AcreageFarms 6530 Apartments-Furnished 6540 Apartments-Unfurnished 6550 Commercial Industrial 6560 Condominiums 6565 Duplexes 6570 Homes-Furnished 6580 Homes-Unfurnished 6590 Mobile Homes 6600 Mobile Home Lots 6610 OfficeRental 6620 Roommates 6630 Rooms 6640 ResortVacation 6650 Services 6660 StorageMini Warehouse 6690 Wanted 3010 AccountingTax 3020 Adult Care 3030 Appliance 3040 AudioVideo 3050 Building Contracting 3060 Business Professional 3070 Carpet Cleaning 3080 Child Care Nurseries 3090 Cleaning 3100 Clerical 31 10 Cosmetology 3120 Home Improvements 3130 HeatingAC 3140 Landscaping 3150 Lawn 3160 Miscellaneous 3170 Plumbing 3180 RoofingSiding 3190 SewingAlterations 3200 Swimming Pools Spa 3210 Tree 2030 Agencies 2040 AdultChild Care 2050 BooksLists Courses 2055 Career Services 2060 Construction 2070 Cosmetology 2080 Data Processing 2090 Domestic 2100 Education 21 10 Engineering 2120 Financial 2130 Hotel 2140 Management 2150 Manufacturing 2160 MedicalDental 2170 Miscellaneous 2180 OfficeClerical 2185 Part Time 2190 Professional 2200 RestaurantFood Service 2210 Sales 2220 SkilledTrades 2230 Technical 2235 TextilesApparel 2240 Trucking 2290 Wanted 2520 Instruction-Private 2530 Instruction-Miscellaneous 2540 Schools 0008 Legal Notices (News) 0010 Legal Notices (Piedmont) 1020 Clubs Organizations 1030 Dating Services 1040 Entertainment Tickets 1050 Friendship Personals 1060 Lost Found 1070 Public Notices 1080 Special Occasions 1090 Travel 1 100 Volunteer Opportunities 1520 Business For Sale 1530 Business Opportunity 1540 Business Opportunity Equipment 1550 Factoring 1560 Financial Services 1570 Investment Opportunity 1580 Miscellaneous 1590 Mortgages-Buy Sell 1600 Wanted 4010 AudioVideo 4020 Antiques Collectibles 4030 Appliances 4040 Arts 8i Crafts 4050 Auctions 4060 Building Supplies 4070 Buildings-Storage Utility 4080 Children's Items 4090 Clothing Accessories 4100 Computers 4110 Energy Equipment Supplies 4120 Equipment-BusinessOffice 4130 Equipment-Heavy 4140 Equipment Rentals 4150 ExerciseFitness 4160 Fruits Vegetables 4170 GarageYard Sales 4180 Guns 4190 Home Furnishings 4200 Medical 4210 Miscellaneous 4220 Musical Instruments 4225 Phones 4230 Photographic 4240 SportsRecreation 4250 Tools 4290 Wanted 7020 AcreageFarms 7030 Auctions 7040 Building Sites-Commercial Industrial 7050 Building Sites-Residential 7060 Cemetery Lots 7070 Commercial Industrial 7080 Condominiums 7090 Homes Under $50,000 7100 Homes 7 110 Homes 7120 Homes 7130 Homes 7140 Homes $200,000 Over 7150 Homes for Sale 7 160 Homes-Open House "'7n Homes with Acreage 7180 Investment Property 7190 Lake Property 7200 Mobile Homes Lots 7210 Mobile Homes 7220 Mobile Homes with Land 7230 Multi-Family 7240 OfficeRental 7250 ResortVacation 7260 Services 7290 Wanted VISA We Gladly Accept: Medical Dental Medical Dental Adult Child Care 2160 2160 2130 Construction 2060 Manufacturing 2150 Construction 2060 Cosmetology 2070 Management 2 1 40 Hotel 2030 2040 Agencies DIETARY Asslstont. full A port lime. Apply In person 414 Summit Dr, GVIIIe. 27.7S7 tor directions.
OVERLOOKER, Experienced. Dropery bedspread manufacturer. Call ASPHALT PAVINO Fore-monPaving machine Operator. P. req d.
Pay nego 877-145? PAINTERS Port time, eperl-enced residential pointers needed. Coll 234-7211 em 145. STYLIST needed immediately. Also Nail Tech for full service solon. Coll 855-1847, Mon Sol.
LIVE-IN nonny needed to care tor 4 children. Call 233-852. SNELLING TEMPORARIES CALL 247-2424 DESK CLERKS Great opportunity to loin Holiday Dav Inn Express team. Now Mrtng shift desk clerks. Individual must be friendly, outgoing, people oriented willing to work on weekends.
Ptease apply in person, Mon Fri, 9-5pm. I85 at Pelhom Rd. ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR IS needed by Upstate, long term core facility. Candidate must have at leasl 2 years exp. in a health care setting as an activities or social director, or be auol Hied as a thero-putic recreation specialist, or as on OT or OTA.
Apply to Box News Piedmont, G'vllle, SC 29602. STAFF ONE, INC. Greenville 242W1 Easier -8 2100 NANNY needed Full lime, 5 vr. old girl. In my home.
Refs. req HiOwH. 170-1 32, Iv.mso. TRUCK DRIVER Heovv Equipment Operator. COL required For Lowboy A dump truck.
Coll Peden Contractors. 3723. LPN OR RN Easlev Health Core now Interviewing tor 3-11 117, positions. Call li-'7S4 for Intervlew HAIRCRAFTERS Wants you to loin their teom. many positions avoll.
Apply Motrcratters or coll 297 5165 Omega food services, inc. licensed frochlsee of Burger King Corporation has Immediate openings for Monagers and Asst. Manogers. Benefits and advancement opportunities available. Previous restaurant management experience preferred but not necessary.
Interested9 Please cati 803 814-7047 tor oppt. or send resume, in confidence, to: Omega Food Services, P.O. Box 457, Rest, SC 7960 EOE MFHV ASPHALT PLANT FOREMAN Need immedlatiev one asphalt plant foreman one plant operator. Also need plant maintenance personnel. Upstate SC oreo.
Call Bob, 28W145. STAFFING RESOURCES Office Personnel Controcl Engineers 8, Designers Planl Workers 232 5345 Optometric Technician With experience. Send resumes to Box 1407, Greer SC ntij Data Processing NANNY WANTED Possible live in position, some exp. preferred, send resume to: O. 8164, Henderson vine, NC W7T3 NURSERY workers needed for Eostside church, PT Sunday, Call 266-8W1 tor interview HOLIDAY INN (EXPRESS at McAtister Square now accepting applications tor Front Desk Representatives and Generol Maintenance Help.
Apply in person at: 27 S. Pleosonlpuro Dr. BAYLOR weekends LPN, 7o 7p. Compel itve wages, exp differential, PTO, insurance, tuition plan. Weslside Health core, W5-133I.
2080 TRUCK DRIVER Needed for local crone rental 8 heavy rigging company. Must hove Class A CDL license wgood driving record, must pass drug test 8. be willing to wont. Home every night Good pay. Call only, ask for Honk or teen, 2W-O406.
ASPHALT PUNT OPERATOR Exper ienced- Coil65HHQ7. EOE CARPENTER CARPENTER HELPERS wonted Coll after pm, 855)793. TOTAL RECRUITING SERVICES PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR General Nutrition Products, 0 motor vitaminsupplement manufacturer, is seeking a Produdion Supervisor Candidal should have education Associate Degree a plus with 3-5 years exp as a production supervisor. Individual should hove strong leadership and people skills. Good written and verbal communication skills along with good manufacturing practices.
Exp In the field ot nutrition supplements, pharmaceutical industry plus. Competive salary, exc benefits oockoge. Send resume along with salary requirement to: Jim Taylor, General Nutrition Products, 1050 Woodruff Rd, G'ville, SC. 7M7 HOTEL Front desk staft. Full or part time.
2nd 3rd shitt. Full co. benefits. Apply in person only, Lo-Quintg tnn. tfli Woodruff Rd ITRS) Coll27-3110 DP MANAGER Minimum 5 yeors experience pref-erobly with HP.
Send resume to: Box Greenville News-Pled-monl, Greenville, SC 29602. Manufacturing 2150 PERSON NEEDED to live in, baby sit light housekeeping. Travelers Rest area B36-0775. CARPENTERS Corpenter Helpers needed tor local construction company. Call 834-Mti VINYL SIOINO INSTALLER Exp donly NO SUBS.
Coll 843 3558 BILLI NG insurance clerk needed tor medical office in Laurens County area. Must have experience in electronic ond hard copy billing Including Medicare, Medicaid, BCBS, Chompuv ond commercial insurance cloims. interpersonal skills necessary to help patients with their bills. Please send resuem with references to: The Family Healthcare Center, Rt 3 Bo-806, Cimtoa SC 2325. Management 2140 PERSON to help with core of in valid mon in home.
PT 7 dovs wk. Transportation, non-smoking environment Coll 2-l434 atetr 2pm. Tanglewoodarea. OPPOSITIONS" All tees poid by client co. Coll W-OOOO WALTER PHILLIPS ASSOC INC 0 Box 6613 G'vllle.
SC 29606 EXPERIENCED Electrician's helper in Anderson, SC. To opplv call 246-52r OPTOMETRISTS Leading optical company now ex-ponding to Oreen vllle, C. We ore a dvnomic people oriented or-gan nation ottering "exciting opportunities for OD's who exceil clinically In busy tech oriented practice settings. Modern attractive offices with slote-of the-ort equipment. Well troined support staff ond management, GUARANTEED INCOMES and secure future We are "unique in the optical industry we ore successful, growing, profitable, secure, dynamic, and we care about our people We hove a great orgon-i lot ion.
it you would tike further information please call Dr. Donald Smith ot 3D1-73IV37W, Concrete Wall Form Setters Rebor work, lootings. Experienced S. helpers with drivers license good work record only. Drug test insurance.
Full time work, 4 to hour davs. Action Concrete Contractors, RESIDENTIAL builder needs carpenter crew, must have HEALTH FITNESS CAREER Next mo i or S. trend. Natl TV Bliti begins in May. SalesMgmt.
Personnel needed. 2f7-7T0t. PROGRAMMERS Exp. Coll 297-6079 SAWYER ASSOC. SYSTEMS SERVICES, INC.
MATURE person needed in chiidcore center to work with 2 year room. Experience a must. Call 268-3608 between, t-12 only Von Fri DANIEL ASSOCIATES Anoint. Tech AS Degree (803) 877 1977 T.M. FLOYD INC.
DATA PROCESSING Consulting Opportunities. Resume to- TMF, 0 Box 8263, SC 29202 MATERIALS MGMl POSITION Degree wexp. pref'd. Reply P.O. Box 6966, Slolion vitic, Cosmetology 2070 CONSTRUCTION 1 remodel ing person tor swimming pools.
position Concrete tile background Apply in person at Genco, 623 E. Mam 5lmpsonvllie MACHINE OPERATOR General Nutrition Products is expanding. Machine Operators ore needed tor our Soft Gel Dept. 12 hour shift. Hours from 7pm evening to 7am morning Work 2 davs on, 2 davs oM.
Every other weekend will work Sat Sun. Also ex-ponding in toblet deptj weighers, blenders, mochlne operators needed HOurs are 3rd shift, hours. 2nd shift 10 hours. Starting rate $7 30 shift premimum. Exc.
Benefits. Phvwcol drug testing required. Requirements: hove 6 months to 1 year as machine operator, work In many factoring plant in 2nd or 3rd shift, heaw lifting read. Call for appointment, Jim Taylor 297-1400 1050 Woodruff Rd, G'vltlt, SC. Books lists courses "A Model ol Perfection and Excellence" 417 S.
Buncombe Rd Doolev Square (The Pioial Greer, SC 29640 I803I8WII66 CERTIFIED SURGICAL TECHNOLOGIST Experienced Tech sought for orthopedic surgery, including microvascular reimplantation. Apply with references: ANDERSON ORTHOPAEDIC CLINIC 500 Font St Anderson, SC 2f71 Medical Dental 2050 2160 METRO Information Services ll hiring exp'd progrommeronatysls tor the nvl oreo 788 9903. ASSISTANT position avollobie in established hair salon. Apply in person, Tun. Sol.
10 00-5 Coll 232 2496. JOSEF STEPHENS, INC. 730 S. Pleosontburg Or. Thehtunberk: 298-4221 Classified Adventsing PAYi Taking snapshots Send sell-addressed stomped envelope to: R.
Koros, Rt. 2. Box 6M-C, Euto-yille, SC 29041. Adult Child Care 2090 Domestic DRILLERS AND BLASTERS Experienced only need apply COL with hozordous materials endorsement preferred. Bloslers must have valid SC Blaster's license.
Apply in person to Morgon Hwy TK Duncan SC EOE. 2040 QUALITY ASSURANCE MGR. Leoding manufacturer of specialized Teflon tubing seeks a Qualified Quality Assurance Manager. To qualify you must have a minimum ot ten yeors quality oriented experience five years in quality manogemenl. Musi possess a knowledge ot systems application, development implementation 4 be computer literate.
Must have a working knowledge of ISO, SPC, GMP, fda specifications associated with the Medical industry. rlSiiillii.Vii-a BARBER or Cometotoalst tor one of Greenville's top salons. Top Hots, 271-3448, ask tor Dawn. NO EXPERIENCE I UO0 lo two weeklypotential processing FHA mortgage refunds. Own houri, 1-J0I-O4KM03, 73l.24hrs.
HOUSEKEEPER Full or part time Non-smoker. Must hove own transportation 8 rets, GSP airport oreo S4 50hr COIH77-6860 CNA'S A LPNS Wanted: Dedi coted 4 caring Pieasont working conditions, good benefits, apply in person PIEDMONT NURStNGCENTER BO? Laurens Rd. Greenville, SC RELIEF PHARMACIST Greenville Metro Treatment is looking tor a Relief Pharmacist to work torn-1 100am, Sat on) Con-toct Patrick Arnold, 3HHXH2. EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Ooier, Loader, PanScraper Ep. rea 877-I45T HAIR STYLIST and NAIL TECHNICIAN needed tor quollty solon Coll 244 mm.
US POSTAL GOV'T JOBS SI2.47hr For oppllcollon A info coll 782 2822 The quickest, most economical way to advertise. Call us today. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING W8 4231 RN OR LPN CNAs-l7 00perhour LPN -uptos4 50 per hour RNVuPtoKO 50 per hr. Port time or fall time. 7tS-24tO 2100 Education lor interview send To apply CNA'I needed for 3-1) ond 11 7 Wages based on attendance incentive, PTO, insurance, tuition plan.
Apply person to Westside HeolrnCarf. I. Texas Ave HAIR STYLIST Pull time penence required. Well-estob-lished salon. Contact Wendy Revls at 97 2SI4yom 3pm Mon-Frl.
EXPERIENCED electrician helpers for Electrical construction work. Drug screen req d. 877-3242 LOWBOY OPERATOR Ekp COL rea d. Call I77I45 ADULT need care taker to live in assist with car Rets, ft salary a 77-5664 Of 77j7yq. ATTN.
We need help! Qualified Irve sillers. 3 davs, ItJO Also shift work avail. JW-ooiV3TO-00i4 CHILD dev. center ol local church has 3 pott time position ovoil the nursery toddler rooms Must be available to word Mon --ftt. 7M-2T8, DAYCARE ASST.
Needed ol -ternoons Man Fri. Experience. Mauldm 5 vilie orea t67 7537. LIVE IN to help wdisabted young lemate Exc living cond. RelS Live in only opply 85535 Career Services 2055 BAND DIRECTOR Solid pro gram in medium sue high school.
Also BiologyFootball. Send resume to: Box NewvPled moot. vile. SC 79602 9 resume 10; Zeus Industrial Product, Inc. Box 2167 Orangeburg, 2VI16-2I67 Attention: John Wortev, President HAIR STYLIST STATION tor rent, Pelhom Rd.
oreo. Coll 268-0867 offer 7PM. WE ARE YOUR RELIABLE CHOICE CNANA Needed Hi busy pediatric office Reply to Box W-43. News Pied- mont, Greeny Hie 5C 2W02 N. Full time or port time RN tor URCos Manogemenl Qualified applicants will possess RN Itcesure with previous mon-aged core or work comp exp Strong written ft oral communication skills in dealing wtth phvsl-ciont.
medical professionals, business contacts I the Public are essential Computer skills A bill review exp a plus. Please svbmtt resume to BW 3203C Main SPOrtooburg, 7t3lf. Engineering 2110 ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! euYIT.SEUfT, RENT IT, FIND IT! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CoJITobcy 29M221 A 'Preferred" Career and RESUME SERVICE Moke thai Crucial First Impression with on Expertly Prepored Resume and Cover Letter 131 5 HAYWOOD RD. Woe South North SI I 292-5288 Certified Nunlng Anittann needed lull timeport time I week, ewh Will consider tralnine non-certified Competitive wages Oak-monl Nursing Center. Call Us For All Your Advertising Needs 298-4221 LetUsMokt YOUR PSooe Ring! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALON now hiring Immed.
All equipment provided. Hourly wage, profit bonus, retoll commission. sick pov 8 vocation pay. 250-1021 STYLIST nail technician needed immediately. Good toco-tion.
Call Eliiobeth. Holr Expres-sjorrBM FOR THE BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN! CHECK TODAY'S CLASSIFIED AOS PHILLIPS Resource Group ENGINEERING POSITIONS, 803 271-6350. 271-8499 FAX WE ARE YOUR RELIABLE CHOICE 298-4221 LIVE-IN house parent position lor married couple (retirees do welll who would like to supplement income coring tor gins ooe 18 Work 3 days, off dovs. Call Hill Green, Bovs Girls Homes ot N( inc. CollflltM JO AMERICAN PERSONNEL 27133M DENTAL OFFICe Admlnutro-lor Coll or lend resume to 4 Soutfllteld Dr vllle, SC.